After getting severly depressed and annoyed that I was home and not leaving anytime soon, I decided I HAD to leave Jersey for at least a few days otherwise my brain may, in fact, explode. So, I booked VEEEERRRRYYY expensive last minute flights to London and trained up to Reading to see Lea Lea Bickersnipe. Whenever she is home we always get so close, and then when she goes to uni we dont really talk for months (not purposly its just harder) and this year I found it even more difficult when she left. This girl is probably the best person I have ever met. Ever. Literally. I think she is the only person who can get every thing out of me, and who I am completely honest with and who most importantly, doesn't judge anything. Just offers advice, sometimes just offers a hug. And knows which one to give at the right time..
Anyway, enough of the Leah-Love!!
I went to see her the other weekend, which was amasing. She is in Reading uni, seems like a really nice area. She has this immense house which has like 10 bedrooms.... so so great. She complains that it is minging and dirty but I swear she forgets how great it is to live AWAY from parents. I would happily live in a hole in the ground if it meant I could live with my friends. Although to be fair my family are fantastic, its just difficult having people to answer to and explain to and that you have to watch what you say around.... but thats what comes with having younger siblings.
Anyway, so I have this new job, I am working in PR which essentially means looking after companies, re-branding, organizing events and raising awareness of them. It has quite a lot of writing and ideas work, which are fantastic but most of the writing is press releases which means it is very formal (a way which i am sooooo not used to writing in) and also at the moment, because I am starting at the bottom, I am doing a lot of very admin-heavy work. It is totally fine at the moment, but soon I am going to push to be given a little more writing work. If you don't ask you dont get!
Other than that I am planning on auditioning for NYT in February which is very exciting!! I thought I may as well give it a try- see if I can get anywhere with acting because if don't ever try I will always wonder.... so anyway my sister is going to help me with that.
I've decided that because I am staying here i need to do things. Which obviously never ever happens, but I am going to try make some things happen next year, so that I dont turn into a middle agd working woman and lose my 'vi de jour' or whatever.
I need to learn French.
I need to audition for NYT.
I need to learn a new skill (there are lots of things here, jewelry making, or massage, there is even some hippy chakra courses)
I also need to try to learn about man things incase said man is not about, so that I can do things such as fix a car/sort out a fuse box. (I know, it is a very big expectation to essentially learn general mechanics but i need to learn this stuff as presently i dont even know how to open my bonnet!!)
So anyway, lovely Highlands college shall assist me with my new learning. Oh and I am doing again. The Just Dance one. Nikki is actually fantastic I think I have a little girl crush on her.
By the way, how boring has my life got? Wow the last posts were much more dramatic then this 'what i will do with my life now' post. Hmmmm. If I wasn't as sensible, I would totally just go away again, but to be fair I am being offered a qualification and experience. It is fantastic. I can't complain at all. So i shouldn't, and I should get on with it, enjoy it as much as possible, and then travel/uni afterward.
After all, two years goes by pretty quickly nowadays.
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